PURPOSE: Provide informed, responsible leadership and guidance for operations of the NCR. Act as liaison between WOCN Society and NCR membership.
TERM OF OFFICE: Two years. Elected as President-Elect in even numbered years. If the president elect must assume the role of president before the incumbent president term is completed, the president elect will serve out the former president’s term and the subsequent two years that would have been served during normal ascension.
RESPONSIBLE TO: NCR Board of Directors and General Membership.
RESPONSIBILITIES: See NCR President Job description and responsibilities (not part of By-laws) under appendices.
- Respond to Board communications within 1 week, (3 days for issues of High Importance). Use of Outlook Express “out of office” shall be used for notification to members when not available. A reliable contact phone/cell number shall be provided for necessary communication. If not compliant with communications, 3 reminders shall be allowed before a request to step down from position will be made.
- Coordinate the organizational development and direction of the region.
- Prepare meeting agendas for board and general membership, schedules appropriate conference calls and board meetings (conference planners set the time for the general membership meetings at national and the fall regional). Agenda topics are to be requested from board members 3 weeks before board and general membership meetings and are sent to the Secretary 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting.
- Preside at all Regional Board and NCR General Membership meetings. Notify President-Elect if unable to attend; assure all required reports are submitted to President elect 2 weeks prior to scheduled meeting.
- Appoint all special positions, committees, committee chairpersons, temporary or permanent to aid the board in the administration of the NCR, and by virtue of the office of President, be an ex-officio member of each committee.
- Monitor NCR Board of Directors activities to be certain they are accomplished as directed.
- Keep all documents and communication received and sent properly filed as required by the NCR and/or by law.
- Exercise such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the Chief Executive of any organization.
- Solicit new annual goals and evaluation of past activities from Board Members/Committee chairpersons at least 1 month prior to publication of NCR newsletter and/or WOCNews. Summarize and submit for publication in said newsletters.
- Present information from WOCN Society to the NCR Board within 1 week of obtaining the Communication or document and to the NCR membership as deemed appropriate by the President and/or Board.
- Attend the annual meeting of the Regional Presidents at the WOCN Society Annual Conference. Provide report at the next NCR Board/Membership Meetings. Notify President-Elect if unable to attend Regional Presidents meeting, assuring all required reports are submitted.
- Submit a President’s article for publication in each NCR newsletter and/or WOCNews to the Media Chair 2 weeks prior to publication.
- Orient incoming President and the new members of the Board of Directors to the President’s role. Transfer all records to the new President within the first month of his/her term.
- Submit budget for the role of President for upcoming fiscal year to the NCR Treasurer by December 31 of the current year. Submit all expenses and outstanding invoices to the Treasurer by December 31 of current fiscal year.
- Evaluate NCR President position, job description and responsibilities and submit any recommended changes and/or additions to the President-elect every odd year before the first Board of Directors meeting of the Fiscal Year.
- Act as President ex-officio for a period of one year immediately following completing full elected term in office.