Years as WOCN: 36
Nurse Practitioner, WOCN, Coordinator Wound & Ostomy Program- Froedtert Hospital Outpatient Wound & Ostomy Program
Leadership Abilities:
Position as Wisconsin State Rep 4yrs 1990s, Member of planning committee for NCR fall conf x2/Recipient of the NCR Excellence Award 1998/Engaged in local Milwaukee area WOCN group/Preceptor and provided shadow experiences for WOCN nurses, NP, DNP students, medical & surgical residents at Froedtert Hospital the past 15yrs/ Member Sigma Theta Tau/Member Milwaukee Area Nurse Practitioner Group/Presenter on wound care issues at: NCR conf, resident education program, American College of Physician skills sessions/Co-author chapter on Venous Leg Ulcer Management in 5Min Clinical Consult Text since 2009
Strengths & Skills:
I’ve been honored, in my first term as your NCR treasurer, to serve and demonstrate leadership in collaborating with our regional board, providing input, guidance and leadership in figuring out ways to best utilize and grow the financial resources for our region. I’ve demonstrated attention to detail in ongoing phone conferences, whenever needed, between our regional and national membership meetings regarding key decisions on how to most efficiently and effectively utilize financial resources in innovative and creative ways, such as expanding scholarship and award opportunities to a larger portion of our membership. I’ve been able to support ways to maintain a positive bottom line with our budget, while keeping the board and membership informed of our budget status.
As program coordinator for the outpatient wound clinic at a large academic medical center I’ve had to continuously review efficiencies and cost containment within our budget while maintaining high standards in quality of care. If re-elected, I would be privileged and greatly appreciate the opportunity to provide continuity in the budget workings of the NCR for the next two years.